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Daily Schedule

Student-athletes attend Aim High to become the bThe student experience at Aim High includes a diverse range of curricula, extracurricular activities and opportunities to bond as a community. Get in touch to learn more about what it’s like to attend Aim High.




While our students are often on the move, traveling for competitions, when they are on campus, they follow a regular schedule. This schedule may change to reflect weather conditions (snow, rain, etc.), but here is an example of a typical day-in-the-life:

7-8:30AM - Wake up, eat breakfast, head to morning workouts.

8:30-8:45AM - Meet with your coaches and discuss the training plan for the day

8:45AM - Get ready for practice.

9:00-11:00AM - On the court training

12:00-1:00PM - Lunch

1:30-4:30PM - All students will be in the classroom during this time.

5:00-6:00PM - Enjoy a dinner with your friends

6:30-7:30PM - Film Session or team activity

7:45-9:00pm- This time will have a structured study hall for those who may need additional help, are falling behind, or want a quiet space to work. This can also be free time.

9:00-10:30PM -Open Gym

11:00PM- Lights out

Student living quarters are supervised by live-in Coaches. Students are under supervision of Academy residential, administrative, and coaching staff in the classroom, on the road, and around campus. The goal is to build long term, healthy relationships, fostering productivity and initiative. Students develop a sincere understanding of the world while having fun, learning, and building relationships. We do not allow students to hang out in the rooms of other students unsupervised.

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