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"We believe student-athletes shouldn’t have to choose between their sport and getting the right education that will prepare them to be leaders for life."
- Erika Ernst, Director

Customized Learning for Student-Athletes who AIM HIGH!

At Aim High International, we believe that an effective education doesn’t just come from memorizing or lecturing. Active participation in the learning process entails researching, analyzing, discussing and collaborating - in order to comprehend and retain. All of our courses are designed to encourage deep mental processing and student engagement with the class material as well as thorough research and writing engagement.

In 1996,we simply reimagined the way student-athletes should learn, engage, and develop . We now offer a flexible, fully accredited NCAA approved program, for students in grades 7-12 and the post graduate 13th year.


Year after year, our diverse international student body sets the stage for tremendous collaboration and shared learning experiences.  

At Aim High, we don't just teach to a test, we focus on addressing the unique needs of each of our student-athletes, providing them with the guidance and curriculum they need to become the leader they are destined to be.

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